It takes more than a village to complete a large archaeological project. We were helped with our logistics in the field, with identification of objects and sites we discovered, with discussions with colleagues over the meaning of our discoveries, with the processes of analyzing, documenting, publishing, and archiving our work. We are sure we have forgotten to thank many people who have helped the project over the past 50 years. Our apologies in advance for the omission. Please let us know and we will add you to our list, both here and in our publications.
Barkat Ali
Elena Allen
Joshua Allen
Babrak Amiri
Geeti Amiri
Lynn Thompson Baca
Randall Baer
Harris Bayan
Francine Berkowitz
Emily Boak
Osmund Bopearachchi
Rhett Bratt
Carol Braves
Laurie Burgess
Rachel Bridgewater
Sorayya Carr
William Murree Clevenger
Becky Coulter
Christy Crane
George Dales
Lew Douglas
Louis Dupree
Nancy Dupree
Carol Ellick
OJ Erickson
Janet Fairbank
Abdul Ghafour Rawan Farhadi
Jennifer Feng
Klaus Fischer
William Fitzhugh
Henri-Paul Francfort
Ute Franke
Kate Franklin
Soroor Ghanimati
Diana Greenleaf
Charles Gurney
Emily Hammer
Bartlett D. Harvey
Christine Hastorf
Gwynn Henderson
Tim Hunt
Hannah Jennings
Michael Jennings
Eric Kansa
Sarah Kansa
Trudy Kawami
Luke Kelly
Laurie Koch
Ann Knoll
Richard Kono
James Krakker
Tony Lauricella
Richard LeConte
Samuel W. Lewis
Callie Lopshire-Bratt
Robert W. Macdonald
James E. Machlied
Andrey Markiv
David Marton
Cyndi Maurer
Mal Mead
Richard H Meadows
Katherine Meyers
Eric Mort
Shahi Bai Mustamandi
Hajji Nafaz
Robert G. Neumann
Frank Pettinga
Tony Phillips
Vincent Piccione
Ariadne Prater
Mohammed Fahim Rahimi
Torben Rick
S. Dillon Ripley
Mohammad Khalad Roashan
Karen Robinson
Chris Russo
Ann Ryan
Patrick Sales
Abdul Sami
Becky Seifried
Nicholas Sims-Williams
Gil Stein
Mary Frances Stock
Ruth Suzuki
Zemaryalai Tarzi
Laura A. Tedesco
Julian Thibeau
Marion Trousdale
Fran Vincent
Tasha Vorderstrasse
Jane Walsh
Sarah Ward
Alexis Weiner
Gary Zimmerman

Carol Ellick photographing sherds in the Smithsonian Museum Support Center.