The Helmand Sistan Project

Achaemenid and Hellenistic

While there are numerous sites from the Achaemenid and Hellenistic periods in Iranian Sistan, very little from these time periods was found by our project. The sole exception was from our excavation at Lat Qala, where the earliest excavated layers in Trench B date from these periods. We were able to identify the ceramics with the assistance of archaeologist Giulio Maresca. Lat Qala produced the white slipped wares known from Achaemenid times and sharply carinated vessels. Small cups with incurved rims, fine densely burnished bowls, and shallow fish plates were found in the Hellenistic levels there. Examples of another ceramic style, called dipinti storica sistana, with narrow careful painted lines and rows of dots, were also found at several sites. 

A collection of excavated potsherds from Lat Qala including the lightly slipped wares known from Achaemenid sites in Iranian Sistan and a densely burnished Hellenistic bowl (upper right).
Examples of dipinti storica sistana painted pottery found at Lat Qala dating to the late Achaemenid or Hellenistic period.